the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

first belly shot

It's been an interesting week. DH and I had it out big time, I should have read my horoscope that day:
8/25 - Well this should be worth watching: Mercury, the planet of communication, is creating friction with Mars, the planet of action. There's no telling what you're going to do or say next, but rest assured, it WILL be noticeable.

Noticeable is an understatement. DH pulled out an old fertility chart that I had made the week after the "unsafe sex" episode. Even though I did not have any data I composed a "what if" chart to see if it would actually result in a pregnancy ++. Of course the dates were all wrong but still DH thought that I was "charting and planning" to get pg all along. This isn't the first time I have been accused of this, this cycle. I told him FOR THE LAST TIME that there was no conspiracy and that he literally "f*cked himself" by not pulling out, if he felt that this was such a bad thing. Well things just got ugly from there and I said some pretty brutal things but you know what I meant them and I was scared. I truly felt that night that he was going to pack his stuff up and leave, I really thought he had lost it.

I spent the evening on the phone with my sister and bless here heart she was as torn up as I was. What a long night (in separate beds).

The next day I was gone at school all day and didn't get home until 7pm. I was exhausted from yesterday’s emotional melt down and the nausea was kicking in. I came home to flowers and an apology. We talked over dinner and I told him that he couldn't put me through that kind of stress during this pregnancy. I think his "freak out" is out of his system. He expressed concern over managing a newborn and that he can't see himself getting up in the middle of the night at 48. **Newsflash** you may have wanted to think about that BEFORE you parked the plane in the hangar that night buddy!

My acupuncturist placed needles in my wrists that I wore for 4 days and they are HEAVEN, I mean it the nausea totally subsided. Now that the needles are out of course I am battling the ookies again. I go back Thurs. I can't wait to be stuck!!!

Here's my first belly shot, not much but gas bloat and a nice fat layer building around my mid-section.

Good times :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Milestones we are reaching

Embryo Development
Cardiac Contraction Begins : Aug. 10th
Limb Buds Forming: Aug. 14th
End Embryo Stage: Aug. 29th

Fetal Development
Heartbeat May Be Detected by U/S: Aug. 22nd (we saw on the 19th!!)
Brainwaves Begin: Sept. 4th
Essential Structures Complete: Sept. 12th
Movement Begins: Oct. 10th
Fetus May Suck Thumb: Dec. 4th
Maternal Sounds Recognized by Fetus: Dec. 18th

Whats happening to me
Your uterus is the size of an orange now, and you may find your waistline expanding. If this is your first pregnancy, you're probably not showing. If it's not your first, you may have a "pooch" already. You will tend to show earlier in subsequent pregnancies since your muscles and ligaments aren't so tight.

Time to make peace with the "pooch" as I say, so long to sucking it in.


Monday, August 22, 2005

OB Admit - I'm official

Well I lost my first blog just now, that was really fricken great. UGH!!!! Stupid spell check just wiped out my entire post....

just came home from my first OB appt. It was more like an hour long interrogation/interview. I kept thinking to myself didn't they have all of this history in my file? after all they did deliver my first born. It was weird to hear that this was considered my 3rd pregnancy. I was pregnant almost 3 years ago, ectopic (tubal pregnancy) had an emergency laparoscopy (sp?) but subsequently lost on of my tubes. There is absolutely no worry about this pregnancy being anywhere else but where it should be after the 2 u/s that confirmed that.

We are set to meet with the genetic counselors in a couple weeks to discuss our screening options. There are several options that I have early in the game but unfortunately they are not usually covered by insurance and they are NOT cheap. I heard the CVS test can run over 2 grand. OUCH! I would much rather have a level 2 u/s along with a blood test at 11 weeks than an invasive amniocentesis at 16 weeks. Decisions, decisions.... I need to call the ins. Company and find out what's covered before I discuss with DH. My feeling is that we are going to have a healthy baby, it's just meant to be. I'm healthy, dad's healthy, we have no history of genetic defects in either of our families. The only thing is statically women of my "advanced maternal age" are more likely to have a child with a genetic defect. We'll have to do some more soul searching on this one.

I need to eat, spent ALL day in bed yesterday, today I am functioning.

Friday, August 19, 2005

We have a heart beat!

133 BPM - nice strong cardiac activity seen on Friday.
I feel so connected to bean.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

pass the barf bag

Ohhhhh this is bad, I am green. This is what I eat:
  • Ginger Ale
  • Orange Gatorade
  • Saltines
  • Lemon Drops (can you say canker sore?)
  • string cheese

1 week straight of eating this stuff. Time is standing still, its almost depressing. I distinctly remember feeling the same way when I was sick with Lydon. I thought I would NEVER feel normal again, in fact I can't remember what it feels like to have a normal appetite and to not feel so utterly nauseated.

I need to sleep.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I told my best friend

I caved already!!! I couldn't help it, my best friend just knew I was pregnant. Of course this is the one that asked "ARE YOU PREGNANT?" at her BBQ when I kept dropping everything in her house. That was one of the MANY signs I had during that 2 week wait. I think she is in shock. We went through our very first pregnancies together 9 YEARS AGO! I bet she is just thinking to herself, thank God it's her and not me! LOL! (deep breath) Reality has been sinking in, I am in for a HUGE change.

I'm actually feeling better tonight, not too sick. Made dinner and ate well and hubby gave me the night off from dishes, he said, "go give your gut a rest", he meant well you just have to know him, LOL!

2 more days and we see a heartbeat!

Angels lost tonight, DARN IT!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Feeling ooky

I guess it's time, I'll be 6 weeks tomorrow. I feel sick to my stomach, nothing sounds good except sharp cheddar cheese and crackers. I went out last night to Javier's (my fav!!!!) and ate so much food and I felt good. Went to see Frank Caliendo at IMPROV and laughed my ass off. I guess that didn't help as I thought I was gonna barf on the way home. Not sleeping well, I wake up all night, do I really need to be prepped for the early am wake up calls already???

I have so much school stuff to do today. I'm cleaning out my office which will most likely by the room we change into a nursery.

So far only my sister and my housecleaner knows I am pg. We are waiting to hit the 12wk mark (9/26) which subsequently is the 3 yr. anniversary of our ectopic loss.... wierd.

must go eat something....

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

We have a YOLK SAC!

Had my u/s this morning, what a nerve wracking experience. The u/s tech could not find anything but what appeared to be an empty sac. She poked and prodded my for what seemed like forever with the "dildo cam" and she said that the sac measured 5 weeks 2 days, so it was early to see anything. She just didn't seem to upbeat. I stared up at the ceiling tiles and just prayed for something to be there, whether or not we could see it. A couple minutes later she was checking out my ovary and she said "wait a minute, we have something" and there it was on the screen! a beeeaautiful site, a yolk sac developing inside the gestational sac. Whew.... she said it was so weird to see it empty but then see it full the next shot. I was so relieved and I could tell she was too. Here's is our very first picture of bean!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Bust-A-Beta.... part II

Got a call from my docs office while I was up in Mammoth, my numbers are GREAT!

BETA = 2448 (doubling time 1.15 days)
P4 = up to 29!

they said that my conception date is way off and most likely this pregnancy started much later than we originally thought. Based on the u/s findings or lack of findings and the numbers, I am probably only 4 weeks at this point.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Too Early

I had my 1st u/s appt. today at 10am right after my labs. The technician was so sweet and so sensitive. I told her about my last u/s almost 3 yrs ago which revealed an ectopic pregnancy. She did a lot of measuring of my uterus and was quick to point out that it was so early in the pregnancy that we wouldn't be seeing anything inside, as in a gestational sac, just yet. She did point out that there was a very thick endometrial lining that was indicative of a pregnancy. She also took the time to make a color coded map of my uterus and surrounding areas to show that there were no "hot spots" indicators of a pregnancy developing somewhere outside of the uterus. We made an appt. for next week, by then a sac should be there. (fingers and everything else crossed)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Got the numbers back today... beta from Monday = 407 (doubling time is 1.37 days!) P4 is down to 22 but they don't seem concerned in the slightest. Maybe that's why the hunger thing has gone away. God I hope I don't get morning sickness, or all day sickness as I had with Lydon.

We leave for Mammoth Friday, hope the altitude treats me well.

Monday, August 01, 2005

"Houston We Have a PREGNANCY!"

Beta = 90
Progesterone = 35

WOOOOHOOOOOOO!!! we are of to a GREAT start. I took another blood test today, they would like to see the next beta over 180. It is supposed to double every 48 hrs. I should know the results tomorrow.