the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, March 27, 2006

2 cm

Pretty uneventful appointment. Up to 191.5 lbs. (eeks) I swear I'm not eating that much! I can't there is no room for my stomach, where ever it has been displaced to. Here's a current pic, my doc said I really grew a lot in a week. I think the baby was just lying in a different position. You be the judge:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Trying to remember the GOOD parts of being PG

I complain ...a lot. I'm trying to remember all the good stuff that comes along with the 2 pink lines. In the begining you don't see the pay off, 10 months is a long way away. Now that I have less than 2 weeks and I am so undeniably due soon I get a ton of attention. Here's my list.

Good Things

Having whipped cream and whole milk in my mocha
Guilt free soda drinking
Buying a whole new wardrobe (maternity clothes rock now!)
Decorating the nursery
Washing baby clothes
major boobage! (had them already so maybe this isn't so great)
Endless carbs eating
Strangers complimenting you :)
Taking naps as needed no questions asked
Not having to cook dinner every night
Good skin, nails & hair
Going 10 mos. without stretch marks!
NO PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea!
Being showered with gifts
Getting out of extra volunteer duties
Not having to lift a thing

the not so good things....

leg cramps
itchy belly
having to pee every 2 hrs.

We measured my tummy this morning, 43" I'm at 190 now and hopefully thats MAX. I go to the doctor tomorrow to get checked for any progress. Hopefully I will be at least 2 cm. (fingers crossed) I wouldn't mind her coming in a week. I need this week to train a new hire. Baby please stay put until then ~ your wishful mom.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

last weeks

I am getting so big and so grouchy! Heart burn is with me 24/7, I waddle, I burp (LOUD), I get leg cramps that bring me to my knees (literally, I have the rug burns to prove it). I am now 1.5 cm - who know's how effaced, she just said "soft". I keep hearing people say oh, she'll come early! I dunno.... she seems quite content.

This pic is from last week...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

35 weeks and ready to be D-O-N-E

Ok my belly hurts, almost burns like it's going to POP OPEN at the belly button. When she moves I yelp and push back. The leg cramps... oy! I can't sleep, and I'm exaughsted. I can't eat because everything including water gives me heart burn. I am soooo looking forward to having my body back.

I start my NST Friday at 36 weeks. I start seeing my doctor every week starting Monday. This is home stretch time. A week from Friday I will be FULL TERM - yahooooooooo!

4D pics of my neice at 19 weeks

we have a thumbsucker in the family!