the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

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Monday, August 22, 2005

OB Admit - I'm official

Well I lost my first blog just now, that was really fricken great. UGH!!!! Stupid spell check just wiped out my entire post....

just came home from my first OB appt. It was more like an hour long interrogation/interview. I kept thinking to myself didn't they have all of this history in my file? after all they did deliver my first born. It was weird to hear that this was considered my 3rd pregnancy. I was pregnant almost 3 years ago, ectopic (tubal pregnancy) had an emergency laparoscopy (sp?) but subsequently lost on of my tubes. There is absolutely no worry about this pregnancy being anywhere else but where it should be after the 2 u/s that confirmed that.

We are set to meet with the genetic counselors in a couple weeks to discuss our screening options. There are several options that I have early in the game but unfortunately they are not usually covered by insurance and they are NOT cheap. I heard the CVS test can run over 2 grand. OUCH! I would much rather have a level 2 u/s along with a blood test at 11 weeks than an invasive amniocentesis at 16 weeks. Decisions, decisions.... I need to call the ins. Company and find out what's covered before I discuss with DH. My feeling is that we are going to have a healthy baby, it's just meant to be. I'm healthy, dad's healthy, we have no history of genetic defects in either of our families. The only thing is statically women of my "advanced maternal age" are more likely to have a child with a genetic defect. We'll have to do some more soul searching on this one.

I need to eat, spent ALL day in bed yesterday, today I am functioning.

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