the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

We have a YOLK SAC!

Had my u/s this morning, what a nerve wracking experience. The u/s tech could not find anything but what appeared to be an empty sac. She poked and prodded my for what seemed like forever with the "dildo cam" and she said that the sac measured 5 weeks 2 days, so it was early to see anything. She just didn't seem to upbeat. I stared up at the ceiling tiles and just prayed for something to be there, whether or not we could see it. A couple minutes later she was checking out my ovary and she said "wait a minute, we have something" and there it was on the screen! a beeeaautiful site, a yolk sac developing inside the gestational sac. Whew.... she said it was so weird to see it empty but then see it full the next shot. I was so relieved and I could tell she was too. Here's is our very first picture of bean!

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