the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, October 29, 2005

new u/s pic

Here's a pic from the amnio last monday, great profile - we got to see here waving and opening her hand, little boney fingers - too cute!

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

more belly

because one belly pic is not enough! :)

gotta luv maternity jeans!

Feeling good today. Took it easy after the amnio, the puncture site was a little sore this morning and I felt kinda crampy after I cooked dinner. I know this little bean in my belly is starting to get higher, the site where they broke into the sac is only an inch and a half below my belly button. No nausea this week - yea!

Going to bed early tonight, need to go cheer the Astros on in the WS.

Monday, October 24, 2005

We are having a GIRL !!!!!!!

I just knew it! Kari called it and Ronne was convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt. I know she's watching over us. I had my amnio this afternoon and it was a breeze. They took lots of measurements and tried to get some early pictures of major organs so I could get the all clear but alas it was a few weeks early so I get to go back on Nov. 21st for another u/s (oh darn another peek at baby G). The actual procedure was fast, a sharp poke kind of a deep pain when they punctured the uterus but no as bad as that may sound. The baby didn't even move the entire time they were siphoning the amniotic fluid out. I am couch bound for 24 hrs., no cleaning or cooking, that sorta stuff. Hubby jokes gee that's nothing new around our house! The doc was pretty amused. Pat's really excited for me, he is so happy that I am so EXCITED and that I am getting the daughter I wanted to complete our family.
We get the results back in 10 days, based on my first screen they don't anticipate abnormal results. Let's just pray that they don't have to call me before I see my OB on the 7th. No call means all is well. I'm having a tiny bit of cramping in the area where the needle went in, other than that I feel great. My sickness has gone away too, lets hope that it doesn't some back. Funny with all this nausea people said it was a girl - THEY WERE RIGHT!

Today was a good day.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

growing... out

I haven't been posting regularly. I haven't been feeling much up to it with the passing of my dear friend Ronne. This was her blog if you haven't heard about it from me yet... it’s WELL worth the read but be prepared and come with Kleenex Ronne's Blog.
The morning sickness AKA all day crappy feeling is back and has been since I hit 13.5 weeks. I have a bad taste in my mouth, headache, queasy, drop dead tired, the works. I'm getting tired of being tired and so is my husband. He's been great throughout this whole ordeal, not balking once when I suggested take out for the umpteenth time. Here are weeks 14 and 15 and you'll notice I actually look smaller this week, I must have taken that 15 week picture on an empty stomach. Amniocentesis is Monday at 1:30, I'm ready to get that over with. It will take 10 days for results. With any luck we'll get a sneak preview at "parts" if babyG cooperates.


Wednesday, October 05, 2005

13 week bump!

Monday, October 03, 2005

2nd Trimester is here!

The sickness is subsiding ALREADY... I feel it but it doesn't bother me like before. I can get through my day except for the FATIGUE, that seems to have kicked in. 3-4 hour naps on the weekend is not uncommon. I see my OB this Friday, its time for me to schedule my amniocentesis, not too thrilled about that procedure.

Dealing with the sadness of losing a friend to breast cancer, seems as though her battle is nearing the end. I am heart broken and feeling especially emotional right now. Crying comes so easily.