the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

I graduated - 12 weeks already!

I made it to 12 weeks, still sick, still have headaches, still dead tired, but getting better. I have 2 pics since I never posted last week, which was by far the most progress as far as belly shots go.

I received my probability results from the Nuchal Scan - risk for Downs 1 in 2010, risk for Trisomy 1 in 10,000. Good numbers but still going forward with amnio for piece of mind. That will happen in a month. We'll know the results around November 15th. Long time.... oh well.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

11 week pic

Here I am at 11 weeks, I just ate a big lunch but you can see there was some "expanding" going on last weekend. I can feel lots of pulling down there.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Nuchal Screen

I had my first screen, the Nuchal Translucency Screen this morning and I got such a surprise with the incredible u/s pictures. You go into the u/s room and I swear the technician squirted about HALF the bottle of gel on my abdomen and started pressing down pretty hard to scan for baby. Immediately we see baby's head on the left and feet to the right. Baby G was moving SO MUCH it was hilarious, legs flailing arms waving about and when she would do a fly by with the wand sometimes babyG would flip onto its side and we could see the length of her spine, very cool. You could see all the fingers the toes and a very clear profile! The technician kept saying "oh how cute, look at that tiny profile, do you see the nose and lips?" She said this age is her favorite gestational age for ultrasounds, interesting. I was more shocked you could see so much as early as 11 weeks.

BabyG measured 11 weeks and 3 days, three days ahead schedule OR my EDD is off... TBD at a later date. BabyG is now 2" long...awwwww. The doc on staff came in after the u/s and said that the measurements and pictures revealed a healthy looking baby. I had blood drawn for the other part of the test and we should receive results back as early as Friday. The only thing we will get is our probability for delivering a baby with chromosomal damage or congenital heart defects. This test can not screen for neural tube defects. I will have the quad blood test for that next month.

I am telling the parents at school at tonight’s PTO, its getting to hard to cover the "bump" I popped out over the weekend, its funny I am showing finally... I will be 12 weeks this weekend. YEY! Feels so good I can almost forget the sick part.... almost.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

10 week pic

Here I am not much change a little fuller up towards the top of my belly. I am about as green as my undies..

Sunday, September 11, 2005

the sickness is back

I have been sick since Thurs. night and I am getting weary. I haven't had a shower in 3 days. I had a splitting headache all day yesterday and my doc said no pain meds UNLESS its a migraine. I feel bad for Lydon, he had to sit around and watch his mom be a couch potato all weekend. I need my husband to come back home and get this kid out for some fresh air.

My first doc appt. was Thurs. and everything went well. We decided to bump up my Nuchal Screen to 9/19 so I have the option to do CVS if the results indicate a high probability for chromosomal abnormalities. I feel good about everything, I will probably have amnio at 16 weeks for piece of mind. DH really wants me to do the amnio. We heard the heartbeat and my doc told me that my uterus is growing quickly, muscle memory will kick in and I will start to show soon.

Tomorrow I will be 10 weeks! Come on baby grow so I can start feeling better.

pass the dry toast & ginger ale...


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

new pic

I need to look at something other than a baby in a clear baggy, I dunno that pic below is kinda wierd. Here's a new belly shot, I think I see action down low, I can feel my uterus it's hard like a softball. It's only gonna get BIGGER, how scary. My one and only stretch mark from Lydon is appearing again. Let's pray that's the ONLY one I get this time.

I'm up 4 lbs.

Monday, September 05, 2005

9 Weeks Today!

Hard to believe it but I'm progressing along. The nausea continues day in and day out. I usually wake up in the morning feeling pretty ok and as the day progresses, blah I start to crumble until I end up crawling from the couch to the bed. I have another 5 weeks of this to go I suppose, what can you do?

I bought a doppler off eBay last week and it arrived over the weekend. The boys were gone all day and I tried it just for fun! It only took me a few minutes to locate that beautiful sound of a little galloping heart beat. I tried to count the BPM but that was tricky, the doppler will start picking up the sound of my pulsing blood and it starts to focus in on that. I can't wait to share this with Lydon. We are waiting a couple more weeks!!!! It will be here before you know it. I got him a "Big Brother" shirt that I will give to him the night we tell him. :)

It’s hard to focus on anything past Hurricane Katrina these days. The news is so devastating and saddening. Lydon is witnessing first hand the worst natural disaster to hit the US in history. He was so sweet, he pulled $10 out of his bank for me to give to the Red Cross. We can't do enough for these people. I am so sad.

back to laundry, it's Labor Day and I am trying to catch up on house stuff while I can.