the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

first belly shot

It's been an interesting week. DH and I had it out big time, I should have read my horoscope that day:
8/25 - Well this should be worth watching: Mercury, the planet of communication, is creating friction with Mars, the planet of action. There's no telling what you're going to do or say next, but rest assured, it WILL be noticeable.

Noticeable is an understatement. DH pulled out an old fertility chart that I had made the week after the "unsafe sex" episode. Even though I did not have any data I composed a "what if" chart to see if it would actually result in a pregnancy ++. Of course the dates were all wrong but still DH thought that I was "charting and planning" to get pg all along. This isn't the first time I have been accused of this, this cycle. I told him FOR THE LAST TIME that there was no conspiracy and that he literally "f*cked himself" by not pulling out, if he felt that this was such a bad thing. Well things just got ugly from there and I said some pretty brutal things but you know what I meant them and I was scared. I truly felt that night that he was going to pack his stuff up and leave, I really thought he had lost it.

I spent the evening on the phone with my sister and bless here heart she was as torn up as I was. What a long night (in separate beds).

The next day I was gone at school all day and didn't get home until 7pm. I was exhausted from yesterday’s emotional melt down and the nausea was kicking in. I came home to flowers and an apology. We talked over dinner and I told him that he couldn't put me through that kind of stress during this pregnancy. I think his "freak out" is out of his system. He expressed concern over managing a newborn and that he can't see himself getting up in the middle of the night at 48. **Newsflash** you may have wanted to think about that BEFORE you parked the plane in the hangar that night buddy!

My acupuncturist placed needles in my wrists that I wore for 4 days and they are HEAVEN, I mean it the nausea totally subsided. Now that the needles are out of course I am battling the ookies again. I go back Thurs. I can't wait to be stuck!!!

Here's my first belly shot, not much but gas bloat and a nice fat layer building around my mid-section.

Good times :)

1 Sweet Comments:

At 8:58 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

awww thanks :)


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