the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Christmas has come and gone

I can't believe how long it has been since I last posted. What a busy 2 weeks and now the holidays are over. I am completely focused on the nursery now, I have a week off to move my office into the guest bedroom (where I write as we speak) and hire painters, drywall and an electrician to get the extra room transformed into a nursery for baby G. I have some of the bedding and the furniture arrives any day this week! I will be happy when I am sitting in that rocker admiring the completed job, can't wait.

My sciatica continues to worsen, I wake up with it now and tolerate the moderate pain throughout the day. My tailbone is starting to hurt and bending in half is almost impossible. I swear I waddle due to back pain not girth (not yet anyway). I am continuing to expand and I feel stretched like my abdomen is blown up with air. Sleeping is still OK, I just flip from side to side. I am starting to notice some swelling in my feet, a sign that the 3rd trimester is almost here.

My sis continues to do well with her subchoronic hematoma, she is now starting to feel queasy and famished all at once - YEY! I told all good signs! She is moving next week, lets hope she takes it easy and lets other do all the work, she can not afford to be put back on bed rest.

Christmas was fun this year, Lydon was especially happy with all of his presents! Santa really nailed this one! YEY! We are enjoying 2 weeks off together, makes me realize how important it is to cherish this age with him, he is growing up so quickly.

I go back to the OB next week, just in time to start my 3rd and FINAL TRIMESTER! This pregnancy is just flying by... soon it will be the 3 month count down to her arrival. My showers are being planned next month as well!!

Time to hit the heating pad, tomorrow we go paint shopping.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

kick boxer

Hard to believe I will be 6 months on Friday and Christmas is a week from Sunday. This has to be bar far the quickest holiday season I have ever witnessed. Nothing like being pregnant to keep you occupied while you wait for the holdiays to blow on through. We didn't even bother with all he decorations inside the house this year, I couldn't be bothered and it's WAY to much work for me. I spent all day Sat and Sun wrapping and I ended up with contractions and bad sciaticca both nights, when will I ever learn?

My weight and my appetite is on the rise again, I think I am at 175 now, no wonder my back is tired and sore, this is an extra 20 lbs. already. My boobs have stopped growing (thank God) and I am starting to grow out of some maternity stuff I wore early on. I'll pass them happily along to my sis.

I bought the first piece of furniture for the nursery, an armoire! The rest I will get when I get my AMEX rewards credits, I'm cashing in my miles for baby furniture, I figure we won't need any airiline tickets any time soon.

Time to go to bed already, my back is sore I have been on the computer all day goofing around. I must have wasted 4 hrs on Shutterfly uploading and tweeking gifts.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

sis u/s


Thursday, December 01, 2005

It's DEC and I feel pregnant!

My energy level is starting to pick up but so is the anxiety. I think I am begining to feel the "reality" of this whole situation... I'm having a friggen BABY!!!!! the sleepless nights, the painful nipples, the shrilling cries... whew....*deep breathes*

BabyG has a name, but we aren't telling anyone and I'm not posting it BAH! Its a done deal as I have already had something personalized for me with her name on it. I have to take a pic of an outfit I saw with her name on it, that was the day I decided THAT would be her name. I heard it once and then saw it 2 times all in the same day.

She is kicking more and more, she's so squirmy when I bend over, I can tell she is pretty low still and with my short waist there isn't much room when I bend at the waist. Maternity pants are still a challenge, they fit better in some regards but the elastic over my belly just is not comfortable and the low wide under belly bands fold in half REALLY binding into my tummy. I give up. I'm most comfortable in my JCREW plaid pj bottoms, so I live in those.

Les is now in her 5th week of her pregnancy, she has her first u/s tomorow morning!!!! I am so excited for her. I hope she has another m/s free prenancy like she did with her first, what a blessing that would be.