the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

slowly getting back to normal

I can't believe I waited 2 months to start posting again, wait a minute ... YES I can believe it she's a HANDFUL. Ava turned 3 months last week and has changed MORE in the last week than she has during her first few months of life. She smiles, coos, gurgles and bats at things with her club like hands. She has this funny thing where she just locks one arm straight into the air fist closed like a sign of solidarity "babies UNITE!" She is arching her back when she's on the floor and has flipped on to her tummy without help a couple times. I get the feeling that she's about to cut teeth early, as she constantly chews on her clothes and fingers. She is like a faucet that won't turn off and lately it’s been from both ends (poor girl). She loves dipping in the swimming pool, baths and long car rides. She does really well in the desert heat (109 degrees) thank God! as we come closer to closing on our new condo! She will be a well traveled baby.