the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm over here!

Some of you are coming here via my blogger profile and I don't want you to miss out on all the fun over on my newest baby... the modchik.


Wednesday, July 05, 2006

slowly getting back to normal

I can't believe I waited 2 months to start posting again, wait a minute ... YES I can believe it she's a HANDFUL. Ava turned 3 months last week and has changed MORE in the last week than she has during her first few months of life. She smiles, coos, gurgles and bats at things with her club like hands. She has this funny thing where she just locks one arm straight into the air fist closed like a sign of solidarity "babies UNITE!" She is arching her back when she's on the floor and has flipped on to her tummy without help a couple times. I get the feeling that she's about to cut teeth early, as she constantly chews on her clothes and fingers. She is like a faucet that won't turn off and lately it’s been from both ends (poor girl). She loves dipping in the swimming pool, baths and long car rides. She does really well in the desert heat (109 degrees) thank God! as we come closer to closing on our new condo! She will be a well traveled baby.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

She came early

Little baby Ava decided to come early! Here she is....

Monday, March 27, 2006

2 cm

Pretty uneventful appointment. Up to 191.5 lbs. (eeks) I swear I'm not eating that much! I can't there is no room for my stomach, where ever it has been displaced to. Here's a current pic, my doc said I really grew a lot in a week. I think the baby was just lying in a different position. You be the judge:

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Trying to remember the GOOD parts of being PG

I complain ...a lot. I'm trying to remember all the good stuff that comes along with the 2 pink lines. In the begining you don't see the pay off, 10 months is a long way away. Now that I have less than 2 weeks and I am so undeniably due soon I get a ton of attention. Here's my list.

Good Things

Having whipped cream and whole milk in my mocha
Guilt free soda drinking
Buying a whole new wardrobe (maternity clothes rock now!)
Decorating the nursery
Washing baby clothes
major boobage! (had them already so maybe this isn't so great)
Endless carbs eating
Strangers complimenting you :)
Taking naps as needed no questions asked
Not having to cook dinner every night
Good skin, nails & hair
Going 10 mos. without stretch marks!
NO PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yea!
Being showered with gifts
Getting out of extra volunteer duties
Not having to lift a thing

the not so good things....

leg cramps
itchy belly
having to pee every 2 hrs.

We measured my tummy this morning, 43" I'm at 190 now and hopefully thats MAX. I go to the doctor tomorrow to get checked for any progress. Hopefully I will be at least 2 cm. (fingers crossed) I wouldn't mind her coming in a week. I need this week to train a new hire. Baby please stay put until then ~ your wishful mom.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

last weeks

I am getting so big and so grouchy! Heart burn is with me 24/7, I waddle, I burp (LOUD), I get leg cramps that bring me to my knees (literally, I have the rug burns to prove it). I am now 1.5 cm - who know's how effaced, she just said "soft". I keep hearing people say oh, she'll come early! I dunno.... she seems quite content.

This pic is from last week...

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

35 weeks and ready to be D-O-N-E

Ok my belly hurts, almost burns like it's going to POP OPEN at the belly button. When she moves I yelp and push back. The leg cramps... oy! I can't sleep, and I'm exaughsted. I can't eat because everything including water gives me heart burn. I am soooo looking forward to having my body back.

I start my NST Friday at 36 weeks. I start seeing my doctor every week starting Monday. This is home stretch time. A week from Friday I will be FULL TERM - yahooooooooo!

4D pics of my neice at 19 weeks

we have a thumbsucker in the family!