the Preggo Modchik

a blog about my last pregnancy with my daughter Ava

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Thursday, July 28, 2005

POAS - should I?

This is it! The moment I have been waiting for for almost 3 years.... and I am N-E-R-V-O-U-S as hell.... the girls on the boards have me all convinced that I am indeed pregnant. But seriously how can that be humanly possible? I have one tube and besides we only had sex once and I don't even know when I ovualte! This is such a loooooong shot, I keep telling them. So they are coaching me to POAS (pee on a stick) not just any stick but a OPK (ovulation predictor kit) the one that detects the LH surge, that preceeds ovulation, for the mere fact that the pregnancy hormone HCG also makes the LH line show DARK as if you were about to ovulate. This is too much to think about. I sit down to pee and SUDDENLY remember what Kel said, POAS!!! I stop mid-stream, what a mess, I reach for a bag under the sink and I rip one open and POAS. I set the sick down on the counter and within a minute I there it is a DARK LH line... HOLY SHIT I think it's time to take a HPT.

My hands are cold and clammy, I am sick to my stomach. Can this be really happening?

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